Mytiko VIP Members Card Sign up click this link
We can't wait to meet you!
To order or Mytiko inquiry message below and we will call you back the same day to process your order.. We will call you back the same day to take your phone order or help with your inquiry.
Stock and sizes are limited. Website will be live soonish.
Mytiko Pop Up Shop is planned for November 2024.
Mytiko Teamxx 2/8/2024
Mytiko is a trademark brand, our signature original design, is a copyright design, by the Victorian Federal Court.
Welcome back!
It is the same team that ran the Chapel Street & Collins Street Mytiko brand during the OG days.
Sign up below to receive your welcome back Mytiko gift pack when you purchase.
Mytiko customers, and newbies we are here to help you the same day, email us we are not far away.
Our website may be on members' view, so please message us, we will message you the same day.
Social responsibility, Bespoke slow fashion?
We have made the choice to only stock very limited quantities so that nothing more is added to already overflowing landfills in Australia. We focus on producing the best quality garments locally and believe you should only buy 1 pair of leggings every 2-3 years, not four that end up in landfills. By shopping at Mytiko you support an og original & creative Melbourne business and stop the tragic landfill issue the cheap corporate brands are creating. Back in the 90s, it was about quality and beautiful fabrics and we still believe in this way of making clothes. Ours customer have told us they love our quality and fits and are so happy to buy a good quality pair of Mytiko's read our reviews. Have you wondered why Mytiko's were in your wardrobe for so many years? Great quality fabric and quality make.
From our garment makers, our limited stock levels and our Melbourne-made fabrics. We ensure to only make high quality and work with great suppliers within Australia who have high ethical standards.
Thanks for your support and shopping with Mytiko xx
PS We love chatting to customers leave details in message, we will call you the same day!
To sign up and enter our website you comply to Mytiko's copy right terms.
Mytiko is a trademark brand and our signature original design we own the copyright by the Victorian Federal Court.
Terms & Conditions